An Integrated Approach to Healing

Rebecca Pancoast offers an experiential, body-centered approach to therapy built on the framework of Interpersonal Neurobiology and the tools of Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS). In addition to IFS, Rebecca incorporates Brainspotting, Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT), Sand Tray Therapy, Somatic Experiencing (SE) and the Safe and Sound protocol into her therapeutic approach, providing an integrated approach to healing.

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and 
the Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Framework

Current neuroscience supports that the natural state of the human brain is multiplicity. It’s often the conflict between our inner states or “parts” that drives us to seek therapy. One part of us hopes that if we can change or get rid of some other part, we’ll finally be able to fix what’s wrong with our lives. In reality, human beings need multiplicity of mind for optimal mental health. All complex systems — families, communities, even ecosystems — are most adaptive and stable when they support differences.  Diverse roles and perspectives allow systems to be flexible and responsive in the face of challenges, as well as move back into coherent states of wellbeing when at rest.

Unfortunately, when our circumstances are challenging, some parts of us become walled off, while others get stuck in extreme roles to protect us from ever again experiencing the pain of the past. Each part longs to be heard, appreciated, and understood. When we learn to experience our whole selves with courage and compassion, our minds naturally move toward the connection and creativity that we’re searching for.

Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Framework

Each moment of awareness arises from predictions our brains make based on previous experiences.  
These non-conscious predictions occur several times per second and operate from billions of threads 
of implicit, embodied memory. If we’re living with a legacy of trauma, chronic health issues, loss, 
social isolation or a painful childhood, it's natural to feel stuck in states of anxiety, depression or 
low self-worth. Experiential psychotherapy informed by interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) calls upon 
our whole, embodied brain to understand the past, process our history and connect us to our 
natural resourcefulness

When therapy stays at the level of verbal processing, we might gain insight, but insight alone won't change the way our brains hold the memories of experiences that caused us to become stuck. By contrast, experiential therapy invites us to pay attention to the physical and emotional processes that accompany the content of our therapeutic work.

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

IFS helps us learn how to relate to our own experience from an open, nonjudgmental stance. From there, our system naturally guides us toward the experiences that led to the patterns and cycles that bring us to therapy. Internal relationship moves us beyond insight into healing states that open up new possibilities for integration and aliveness. 


When we experience an overwhelming or traumatic event, our eyes orient to signals of dangers and routes to safety. Accessing these orientation points in the visual field can pinpoint trauma and yield deep processing. Brainspotting has the power to rapidly access aspects of trauma that live outside of what can be named or described with words.  When the brain is ready to process trauma, Brainspotting can provide deep, somatic relief.

Sand Tray Therapy

Sand Tray Therapy is one of the most quietly powerful therapeutic techniques available. As the Sand Tray calls forward inner parts and implicit memory, it invites us to feel, process and bear witness to what can often only be held in emotion and metaphor. Sand Tray is ideal for clients who desire self-discovery, attachment-healing and deep connection.

Somatic Experiencing (SE)

SE practitioners see physical symptoms as manifestations of thwarted defensive responses in the body, and SE creates a frame for tracking and releasing the embodied experience of a traumatic event. 
In SE, we learn how to track and pay attention to the wisdom of our bodies. SE supports clients in discovering neural networks related to trauma as well as in learning how to settle their nervous systems outside of session.

Safe & Sound Protocol

The Safe & Sound Protocol is an aural listening exercise developed in relationship with Steven Porges, the innovative mind behind the Polyvagal Theory. Complex trauma and sensitivity neurodivergences (Autism Spectrum, ADHD, Highly Sensitive Persons) can cause the muscles of the middle ear to become “stuck” listening for danger. When this happens, we struggle to move toward connection and vacillate between states of high anxiety (fight or flight) and depression (collapse). The filtered music that comprises the Safe & Sound Protocol was developed via a peer-reviewed process to exercise the middle ear. Over the 5-hour protocol, our brains are taught to listen for the sounds of safety. Increased flexibility in the muscles of the middle ear means that our nervous systems are better at assessing when it’s okay to relax, focus attention and connect to others. The Safe & Sound Protocol is a gentle way to increase executive function, support an embodied perception of safety and soothe the entire nervous system.

what to expect

If your life changed for the better, how would you know? People often strive forward without a clear sense of direction. The first step toward self-trust is stepping back from the stuck place to see both the truth about where you're standing and the hope of where you're headed. 

Rebecca offers brief therapy intensives for individuals looking for movement on a single issue and occasionally has space for regular clients looking for longer-term healing support. Therapy session duration and frequency is determined by the client.

Areas of Specialization

Co-Create Your Healing Journey

Rebecca offers in-person and virtual therapy from her home base in Austin, Texas, in addition to focused clinical groups and therapy intensives. Come ready to delve into a deeper process of self-discovery and self-trust.

Sometimes making progress with weekly therapy is hard.  The pace of dropping into big emotions then heading out the door can leave you feeling dysregulated, or reluctant to touch the issues that brought you to therapy.  Other times, you no longer need weekly or biweekly support, but a challenging life event throws you off balance, or you’re ready to work through a specific stuck place.  That’s were intensive therapy can help.  Intensive therapy is a time-limited therapeutic agreement with a specific focus. Contact for schedule and rates.

Rebecca also offers consulting services to other professionals looking to integrate new modalities into their practice, support neurodivergent clients and deepen their work with C-PTSD and dissociation. 

Coaching for out-of-state clients offering support in identifying the cycles that might be inhibiting growth and movement is also available.

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Individual Therapy

$175 / 50 MINUTES

Therapy intensive

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Individual Therapy


coaching / consulting

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